offer - work, sport fishing boats
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Ice breaker with pos=wer 566 kW   Ice breaker with pos=wer 566 kW 35.90 1968 362.00
Fishing trawler B25s without licence   Fishing trawler B25s without licence 24.90 1975 0.00
Cabin Vessel for sport fishing /tourist   Cabin Vessel for sport fishing /tourist 23.95 1959 0.00 200.000 €
Yacht ex Navy in conversion   Yacht ex Navy in conversion 23.50 1969 0.00 78.000 €
Research vessel OCEANOGRAF   Research vessel OCEANOGRAF 23.08 1977 0.00
Diving accomodation- workshop barge   Diving accomodation- workshop barge 22.16 1973 0.00 110.000 zł.
26.000 €
Motor boat for sport fishing   Motor boat for sport fishing 21.38 1963 0.00 120.000 zł.
27.000 €
Small pusher   Small pusher 19.90 1983 0.00 50.000 €
Motor yacht for sport fishing /PROMOTION   Motor yacht for sport fishing /PROMOTION 18.05 1950 0.00 200.000 zł.
49.000 €
New Multipursose pusher tug 2 x 450 HP   New Multipursose pusher tug 2 x 450 HP 18.00 2024 0.00 3.250.000 zł.
780.000 €
Wooden motor yacht for sport fishing and recreation   Wooden motor yacht for sport fishing and recreation 17.68 1950 0.00 100.000 zł.
23.500 €
Small Port Tug   Small Port Tug 16.89 1968 0.00 140.000 zł.
32.000 €
Motor yacht for sport fishing and pleasure   Motor yacht for sport fishing and pleasure 16.50 0 0.00 190.000 zł.
46.000 €
Wooden motor yacht for sport fishing   Wooden motor yacht for sport fishing 15.90 1969 0.00 400.000 zł.
90.000 €
Work - tourist boat ex tug   Work - tourist boat ex tug 14.89 1941 0.00 89.000 zł.
21.000 €
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