offer - accomodation, restaurant units
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Vessel - bar   Vessel - bar 27.12 0 0.00 170.000 zł.
44.000 €
Flotel - accomdation barge   Flotel - accomdation barge 75.00 0 0.00
Accomodation barge, hausboat 6 cabin, 12 persons   Accomodation barge, hausboat 6 cabin, 12 persons 24.00 0 0.00 260.000 zł.
62.000 €
Floating disco nightclub   Floating disco nightclub 80.02 1952 0.00
Vessell restaurant ARK   Vessell restaurant ARK 17.30 1953 0.00 245.000 zł.
61.000 €
Inland Restaurant Vessel   Inland Restaurant Vessel 41.00 1957 0.00 260.000 €
Restaurant - bar vessel for 518 persons   Restaurant - bar vessel for 518 persons 47.00 1958 0.00 240.000 €
Restaurant accomodation barge   Restaurant accomodation barge 26.00 1971 0.00 800.000 zł.
198.000 €
Hotel barge   Hotel barge 38.40 1981 158.50
Inland cruiser with cabins for 200 passengers   Inland cruiser with cabins for 200 passengers 110.65 1983 0.00 3.060.000 €
Hotel restaurant   Hotel restaurant 32.10 1985 0.00
Passenger-restaurant vsl replic classic sternwheeler   Passenger-restaurant vsl replic classic sternwheeler 62.14 1987 0.00
Floating restaurant for 200 persons   Floating restaurant for 200 persons 32.00 2015 0.00 129.000 €
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