offer - barges
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Hold barge 65 tons cap.   Hold barge 65 tons cap. 31.70 1987 65.00 100.000 zł.
25.000 €
Tank barge 1236 bm3   Tank barge 1236 bm3 38.25 0 1144.00 400.000 zł.
95.000 €
Tank barge 489 m3   Tank barge 489 m3 33.29 0 489.00 200.000 zł.
48.000 €
Modules pontoon / Jack -up 100 tlc CHARTER /   Modules pontoon / Jack -up 100 tlc CHARTER / 24.30 2014 100.00
Pontoon 18 x 8 m, 150 t displacement after re   Pontoon 18 x 8 m, 150 t displacement after re 18.00 0 0.00 184.000 zł.
42.000 €
Pontoon 642 t   Pontoon 642 t 35.90 1983 0.00
Non -prop. pontoon 80 tons   Non -prop. pontoon 80 tons 22.96 1981 0.00 85.000 zł.
20.000 €
Pontoon 750 t / wholes for spuds   Pontoon 750 t / wholes for spuds 31.80 0 750.00 195.000 €
Ferry type W-2, ex army   Ferry type W-2, ex army 40.00 1974 0.00 500.000 zł.
115.000 €
Side door hopper barge 140 t cap.   Side door hopper barge 140 t cap. 36.30 1982 0.00 66.000 €
Cargo motor barge with 2 spuds   Cargo motor barge with 2 spuds 25.27 1949 0.00 179.000 €
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