offer - barges
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Motor barge 1072 tons   Motor barge 1072 tons 80.00 1928 0.00 160.000 €
Motor barge 1100 tons   Motor barge 1100 tons 79.99 1955 1100.00 185.000 €
Motor barge 960 dwt   Motor barge 960 dwt 70.80 1951 960.00
Motor barge 1005 tons   Motor barge 1005 tons 67.04 1961 0.00 159.000 €
Motor Baerge 627 t   Motor Baerge 627 t 65.00 1954 627.00
Cargo barge non-propelled 626 tons   Cargo barge non-propelled 626 tons 55.34 1954 626.00 85.000 €
Push barge 800 t   Push barge 800 t 52.23 1943 800.00 250.000 zł.
62.000 €
Non propelled top flat barge with boards 500 t   Non propelled top flat barge with boards 500 t 45.00 1984 0.00 120.000 €
Barge - bunkering boat   Barge - bunkering boat 40.17 1967 0.00 130.000 €
Ferry type W-2, ex army   Ferry type W-2, ex army 40.00 1974 0.00 500.000 zł.
115.000 €
Tank barge 1236 bm3   Tank barge 1236 bm3 38.25 0 1144.00 400.000 zł.
95.000 €
Side door hopper barge 140 t cap.   Side door hopper barge 140 t cap. 36.30 1982 0.00 66.000 €
Pontoon 642 t   Pontoon 642 t 35.90 1983 0.00
Flat top barge BP-400   Flat top barge BP-400 35.01 1976 0.00
Flat top barge   Flat top barge 35.00 0 0.00 40.000 €
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