offer - tugs
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Push tug, icebreaker   Push tug, icebreaker 29.65 1983 0.00 215.000 €
Set of pusher TUR type + 2 flat top barges BP400   Set of pusher TUR type + 2 flat top barges BP400 21.22 1966 120.00 679.000 zł.
155.000 €
Push boat type Retman   Push boat type Retman 21.15 1982 0.00 179.000 €
Push tug type BIZON   Push tug type BIZON 21.12 1979 0.00 150.000 €
Push tug type Koziorozec   Push tug type Koziorozec 21.10 1986 13.00 90.000 €
Push tug   Push tug 20.78 1985 0.00 1.500.000 zł.
365.000 €
Small pusher   Small pusher 19.90 1983 0.00 50.000 €
Push tug type ŁÓ¦   Push tug type ŁÓ¦ 19.60 1977 0.00 125.000 zł.
30.000 €
Pusher type Ło¶   Pusher type Ło¶ 19.00 1991 0.00
New Multipursose pusher tug 2 x 450 HP   New Multipursose pusher tug 2 x 450 HP 18.00 2024 0.00
Small Port Tug   Small Port Tug 16.89 1968 0.00 140.000 zł.
32.000 €
Tug boat JEDREK   Tug boat JEDREK 16.50 1969 0.00 300.000 zł.
77.000 €
Pusher 960 BHP   Pusher 960 BHP 15.00 1963 0.00 490.000 €
Working boat / towing, pushing   Working boat / towing, pushing 14.30 0 0.00
Inland pusher type 23   Inland pusher type 23 14.14 1986 0.00 99.000 €
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