offer - passengers
Foto  Name  asc asc Length  asc asc Year  asc asc Dwt  asc asc Price  asc asc
Classic sail boat ARK   Classic sail boat ARK 15.55 1956 0.00 180.000 zł.
42.000 €
AIRBOAT - Reduced price   AIRBOAT - Reduced price 6.20 2019 0.00 42.000 €
Vessel - bar   Vessel - bar 27.12 0 0.00 170.000 zł.
44.000 €
Vessell restaurant ARK   Vessell restaurant ARK 17.30 1953 0.00 245.000 zł.
61.000 €
Inland pax vessel   Inland pax vessel 18.74 1965 0.00 260.000 zł.
65.000 €
Small Passenger vessel  / charter, sale   Small Passenger vessel / charter, sale 11.80 0 0.00 299.000 zł.
73.000 €
Old passenger vessel of 1892   Old passenger vessel of 1892 27.25 1892 0.00 300.000 zł.
75.000 €
Cars - pass. small river ferry   Cars - pass. small river ferry 27.00 1960 0.00 75.000 €
passenger roro ferry between river banks   passenger roro ferry between river banks 30.00 1990 0.00 350.000 zł.
79.500 €
inland passenger boat   inland passenger boat 15.00 2001 0.00 330.000 zł.
83.000 €
Yacht Maxi Race 80 type Slup   Yacht Maxi Race 80 type Slup 24.00 0 0.00 380.000 zł.
89.000 €
Inland passenger vessel for 130 persons   Inland passenger vessel for 130 persons 25.22 1958 0.00 92.000 €
Car ferry for 18 cars   Car ferry for 18 cars 42.74 1958 0.00 110.000 €
Inland passenger vessel for 125 persons   Inland passenger vessel for 125 persons 31.48 1955 0.00 112.000 €
Seagoing staysail schooner   Seagoing staysail schooner 19.50 2001 0.00 500.000 zł.
115.000 €
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